Heyaa Bunnies!
Soo...as I told you I was sorting out my whole bedroom this weekend and found some non-gyaru fashion magazines I bought as a teenager and would like to show you some...especially I thought it's interesting to see how I look at these today..
But first here are some things that arrived today!
Something for my kitchen hihi..I didn't want to pack it out yet but I am happy about it. I worried that they might be too small or fragile...
Also I bought this...with absolutely no intentions. I have no idea what I will put in this yet...let's see

Glamour january 2014...Lynn is 14 years old and LOVES fashion.
I always admired the bright colours and creative coords to see in these fashion magazines.
I always wanted to be a fashion designer and these motivated me to go towards this direction..
It's not only these blue heels that are amazing but also the "warrior" outfit of her in the middle..like woaah
Punk but make it elegant? Even though dress over jeans is still a no-go in my eyes, here it looks actually good wow..
The coord on the right side is so elegant!
I actually wore a similiar coord to school back then.
I had a bright barbie-pink maxiskirt which started around my waist and which was over my knees just like this one, I coorded my black leather jacket and black leather boots (of course no heels back then) to it and wore a white croptop with thin white horizontal stripes under it. It's still one of my best outfits when I was a young girl.
I remember how I always got bullied in school for my BEST outfits...like nu-uh you uncultivated peasants just don't know what fashion is...haha

Also I was always in love with boots like dr.martins...idk why...I still love them today even though I never had such...
HAHA of course I had to take a picture of this page..hair accessories???? I am always in...especially the crown like of cooouursseee I am gonna take a pic of that
September 2017, now I am 17 years old and I am struggling hard...with school and carrier plans.
Choosing a career had a different vibe now...it's not like it used to be like "i like that and wanted to be it". You actually start to think about how you are supposed to pay for rent, food, insurances etc.
You think about the costs for university. Studying fashion in germany is always expensive no matter if you are going to make a training or study at a university. You pay. And it's usually over 15.000€ in the end. You can get a scholarship but usually only when you either have great grades (which I did NOT HAVE lol) or you must be incredibly talented. I had absolutely no self-esteem, so I didn't even expect to register to any scholarships, I thought I wouldn't receive any anyway...
Considering that, I also kinda gave up on the fashion design dream.
I already loved these mules back then but now as I developed a love for mules...I have an incredibly high amount of love for these..

"pink ruffles are only for girls. or princesses...." it says on the right side...like, mm yea exactly what I am into LOL
I love the combo of this one. The models in Glamour always wear the best layered codes.
I was always fascinated by layering but oh god I SUCK at this.
And another one...
And another one..also do you see the boots again?
I am in love with this...it has a punkish vibe going on but it is still glamourous..
Oh.BoOOTS...Aaaand also I always daydreamed about me wearing this fit.
I loved it a lot.
This was one of my favourite issues cause it had many amazing coords..
I love coording trench coats or ponchos into outfits...
I am convinced these type of coords are not meant to keep you warm..
It's simply for looking good.
I was in love with this hoody as well...nowadays I am more like mmm MEH..but maybe it's the colours idk.
May 2018...I think that's when I got told I had to quit high school lol.
I either had the chance to repeat the year or quit and leave.
I knew I would learn the year just as much as I did before, which means I would have learned NOTHING, so I decided to leave with a shitty school certificate than wasting another year of my life in a school I didn't like, with subjects I didn't like, classmates I hated and teachers I disliked.
I had so much troubles looking for a internship or apprenticeship (since without my completed school certificate I am not allowed to study in germany).
The ironic part is that I told myself "I would NEVER EVER BE A WAITRESS!!"..
And now...it's exactly what my job is about.lol.
I remember I sent my CV about 40-50 times. I got 10 rejections. and only one invited me to a job interview, it's the apprenticeship I have today.
I didn't like it when I started but convinced myself to complete it out of two reasons: 1. I couldn't find ANY job, why would it be different now? and 2. I never succeeded anything in life, no certificate is worth showing someone...I wanted to complete at least one thing in my life...
But the fashion designer dream still lived in my head rent-free LOL.
Well, maybe some day...
I loved the pastel colours of that outfit in the middle, I do understand the blue bag in this coord but it also looks a lil off, idk...but I also couldn't think of any other colour which would be a better choice.
There is just something undescribable about the beauty of hair like this...
The dots in this set up are beautiful...did I already tell ya I liked dots? LOL
Also the heels are MWUAH *kiss*...
Yea in this issue wasn't really anything special tho...
I got two more that I would love to look through the next couple of days but I also have my ageha mags waiting for mee...