Heyaa Bunnies!

So it was looong due to get new skincare products. I wanted to switch to a"organic only"-lifestyle but I just can't.

The products.just.don't.work!!
I was switching inbetween all products available here but no matter what I bought...it was literally a waste of money. But now my skin has become my worst nightmare. (Since I stopped going to the tanning studio).

Some may ask why, because tanning is making skin worse, it speeds up the ageing process.
However in my tanning studio are tanning beds with kollagenlamps and these actually help your skin become better. Always when I couldn't go tanning due to the pandemic my skin has become worse. So yes, I am 100% sure its because of the kollagenlamps. There is the option in the tanning bed to go, without getting a tan and I might go there for it from time to time (and maybe getting on the massagebed lol).
So a while ago I was getting an app called "Skin Bliss" which I love. You can individualize everything you need. With it you can search for suitable skincare products but also analyze ingredients from them (either by text or by taking a picture of them). I tried it out and the results were accurate. Products that had good effect were rated as such and products that were awful on me also got rated as such. Back then the products you could buy there aren't available in germany, so I stopped using it but kept it on my phone, just in case I needed it. Now I looked it up and you can search by country now (probably it was updated). However, I want to give it a go and buy a whole skincare routine with it's analyzer...since I want to shop in a korean skincare shop. I was filtering on the shop by skintype, usually had around 5-10 results and checked the ingredients.
I only bought products now that had an "excellent" or "perfect" rating by the app.
(There is also very good and good...).
The app analyzes by skintype, skin problems, ingredients and lifestyle (no silicones, vegan etc. depending on what you choose).
I ordered from LoveMyCosmetic.
I already ordered from them 3 years ago. I loved the products but they weren't really suitable for my skin I guess. I chose per price and packaging and not ingredients but that's different this time.
Here is the shocking condition of my skin.
I am glad my camera could not hyperfocus on it, so most of it isn't really visible. I usually get rarely pimples and if I do, it's the bottom of my face (only sometimes on the forehead). If I do get pimples, they scratch open..I have no idea how that happends as I don't touch them (probably I scratch them while I am asleep lol)...so many of them bleed after a couple days.
I have oily skin, big pores and medium-severe acne (I would say?). At first I am going to wash my face with only water for a couple days...as some kind of "detox" of the old products. That way it's more visible how the new products will work. I did that the last time when I ditched all my products and it worked out very well.
And here is my routine!!
Mattyfing cleanser for combination skin.
It is a pain in the ass finding a organic cleanser that is suitable for oily or combination skin.
This one was...meh.
It wasn't bad but it also wasn't really good.
But it was unfortunately the only option.
It's said it is not suitable to double cleanse with dry skin, so be careful with this.
I always wanted to double cleanse but I was never sure which ones were oil-based and which ones water-based.
These are the two that my app decided for me.
I already had products from klairs.
For example an foundation (and a cleanser too I think...)...and I loved it, so I was confident while buying it, it would work.
Rosewater is trending in social media, so it was tempting to get it. It's not suitable for oily skin. I bought it at the same time I downloaded SkinBliss and immediately scanned it after receiving it and the app rated it as a bad fit...they were right.
Before I had one by Bioré and it was so much better.
The app says its a good fit..so I will try.
This one didn't really do anything tbh.
It was 35€!! for this little bottle. However, you don't need much product of an serum..so I guess I am just pampering myself now.
The app chose this one, so I hope it's right.
I am convinced it was because of this product. However, I also hate to buy products that lay around so I kept using it but it had to stop. Only pro about this one is it actually makes you look fitter and less tired lol.
Funfact about this eyecream is, that it was a gift. I chose it in my basket and when I was about to buy, I have seen it was available as a free gift to the order. So I got it for free♥️♥️
This is actually the best facial cream I had...no lie. So I was surprised when the app said it is only a "good" fit. At first I wanted to keep using it but then I decided to fully let myself in for the challenge and look what a "perfect" product could do. The fluid on the right had a good effect on my pimples but when I used it for a longer period my skin started to get super oily and my pores got clogged. So I used it but only from time to time as a nightcream, if needed.
No-sebum moisturizer and funnily enough, chose a sunscreen from the same brand.
No lie, I did not notice until the order arrived.
Usually I hate wearing sunscreen on my face, because of how oily it can get but I always feel guilty about it...especially when going tanning..
This one got rated as suitable for me, so I will try again.
I also need a peeling, facial mask, primer and foundation but the order got....pricey.

So I decided to just go with the most important stuff and then get the others sometime.
I haven't tried them yet. I want to start using them when I moved in my apartment.
Kinda like a "new start"-typa thing??
And yes, the move got delayed ANOTHER week..but this time I am certain it will work out.