

DAY12: Someone who has made a huge impact on your life


DAY12: Someone who has 
         made a huge impact on your life

I thought a while about that but no other person comes to my mind except my friend.

You never saw him and probably never will.

He's a cook in the hotel I used to work in and the big difference that connects and seperates us, is that he's a millenial. A very oldschool millenial.

I see him as a senpai and a sensei, not only occupational but also privately.
Like a big brother or smth like that....

My mindset changed a lot since I met him and I am still learning lots from him, even though our generations are completely different from another.

Also, it's always interesting to listen to his stories, also regarding how "life used to be"...

gosh, that moment he started explaining to me that there only existed black and red combat boots...
and depending on the color you could be identified as a nazi or not (and color of laces had a meaning too LOL).

I asked him "what about white combat boots?"...I swear to god, he was so done with my shit after I asked him this question xDD 

I never want to lose him, he is by far the most important person in my life currently.

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