

woops, and it's purple again


I swear it was an accident haha.

This morning I washed my hair with the purple shampoo and I did not expect it to be THIS STRONG.
I usually like having the shampoo a little bit longer on my head and bend down and apply it from the back of my head.

It stripped of the peach COMPLETELY from my hair...
I did not think it would be that quickly haha.
And the back of my head is heavily grey/purple now.
It is way darker than you can tell from the picture haha.

Honestly I like it now haha...I will try a vitamin C mask but only on the purple patches now and keep it like this...

necklaces...Bijou Brigitte
coat...River Island

I had no idea what to wear...I am so sick of this weather.
it is super cold and wet and I am wearing the same damn things again in rotation but I don't have enough $$$ to get a bunch of new stuff again and I rather get some stuff for warmer days to come, than get winter clothes and next week its sunny and winter is over (as it happened way too often for me).
I chose these "gothic" vibes now haha.

I used my Jocyee palette again and although barely visible on the pics but used the red eyeshadow for my lower lash line.

I enjoyed the natural onee-gyaru inspired make I used to put on the past few days but this kind of make is just my favourite. It suits me so much I think haha.
lip combo was soft walnut from etude fixing tint and rom&nd glasting color gloss in dim mauve on top.

I finally have a passport!
It is the first as well tbh.
I am so excited for singapore although I have to admit I got kinda lazy with practicing mandarin, I have to catch up!
Going to use the day with repeating I think.

I met with my friend for lunch.
There is this fast food restaurant here in my area that I always wanted to try.

We both chose the B-Burger with beef and potato fritters.

It was really delicious! I took the cherry coke to drink.
They don't often have the cherry flavour anywhere here but I like it.
Zero and cherry. these are my favourite.

I also quickly went to dm

I took another pair of tights now...this color is called honey.
Now I am curious...
Since I am tanned I can't wear any tights anymore...
They are always too light or too dark.

I got the head and shoulders for the vitamin c mask.
I figured it would be better to mix it with this now than any other shampoo I currently own.

And this palette from Catrice.
I saw it a couple times and each times I told myself "no, you have enough pink shades"...but none are metallic like this, but no...you have enough.
I took it now.
F* it haha...I want it, I get it.
Just the mere fact that every single time I want to put it in my cart, I just had to do it now.

Like I said, I will spend the day doing some laundry, practicing chinese and then it is already time to go for a walk with my dog.

weekend x3

I did not post too much this week haha.
In the evenings I was working on writing my story PLUS I overslept almost every day and did not take many pics T.T


I have literally just thrown on something..
I got this cardigan from a setup and the dress from another setup and matched it like this now haha.

I wanted to wear curls this week and wanted to place my bangs in a different way.
I dunno, I love curls but I just think straight hair hits different haha.

I also received my piercings on tuesday and put them in at night on wednesday.
The nose stud took some time to get out but as always the stomach piercing was easy.
They are both so damn cute <33
I tried taking pictures of the nose piercings up close but no chance...it would always be blurry.

dress...local shop

Someone tell me stop using this scarf every day..
I just love it...it is so damn cozy.
Maybe I should get more scarfs next winter to have some variety haha.
The dress is super cute but it would constantly slide up some more which made it a little bit too short for work. I knew I usually wore it in summer instead of winter coded like this but I think I never wore it to work?

I kind of fucked up the wing today but nvm.
I like this kind of makeup but I want to spice it up next week.
It is pretty basic and quick which made it easier for me cuz I kept oversleeping.

At work me and my colleague worked out my new nail design that I want to do this week.
Although I like this design I wish to switch it up more often to try out more designs.
We got a pretty good sketch of what I wanna do.
(I should note that he is a straight guy, so that was extra funny to work on this "project" together haha).

After work I met up with my friend to eat at an asian restaurant in town.
I was surprised when she suggested it cuz I did not know we had this one there.
We picked a menu for each other but I did not take a picture of the starter which was spring roll and for desert we had baked bananas with honey on top.
The plates and arrangements were super cute tbh...it was a cozy normal place to get some food but we did not realise they would close that early...that's why we were the only ones when we arrived and also the last guests lmao. Nonetheless we were able to sit some time and even though I have weekend now, she has to work tomorrow so we did not want to be too late anyway.
But she told me she was at my area tomorrow and I have to pick up my passport, so we agreed to meet for lunch tomorrow again.

After paying we got some fortune cookies <3
I don't know what meeting but OK.

When I arrived home now I received my LMC order and put on the other stuff I received the past couple days but had no energy to try out haha.

I got this new hello kitty pajama that are a little bit thinner, to be suitable for the warmer days to come

thats the setup that I have shown you a couple days ago.

A bathing set up, also hello kitty themed.
I couldn't quite decide for a bikini and I prefer to be a bit more covered on the beach etc. so I really liked this crop top with the shorts.

Here a little closeup of my new belly button piercing :)

Then I opened my LMC order.
I saw a really cool facial gel that I wanted but they had this special offer when you spend 60€+ you get a cream from wishtrend for free and I was at like ca.50€ or something..
So I decided to put the gel on my wishlist and put some serums in my cart to get this cream for free now. (:

Every time you order from LMC you get some tester.
I rarely use them tbh but I talked with my colleague today about cosmetics and she wants to try korean cosmetics so I think I will take them with me and give it to her to try.
This time they have put really nice ones in it.

I never check how much are in the bottles haha.
I did not expect to get a big bottle now but I am happy haha.
I tried the IUnik Serums already when they had these tiny testers and except one they were all perfect.
I just love skincare with snail ingredients hahaha.

I am usually not into hydration serums since I do not need any extra for right now but since honey is antibacterial I want to give it a go.
Kinda funny they included a mask now as a tester hahaha.

Thats the free cream I got now.
I admit it wouldn't have been my first pick but even more I like to try it out now for free.
I usually only wear gels, so kinda curious if the cream is lightweight enough.
I still have some gel left but as soon as it is empty I will start using this.

And I chose these two shampoos now from Lador.
I am especially curious about the purple shampoo <3.
I think I will try the purple shampoo first and maybe it will somehow get rid more of my peach pigments over time?? We will see.

Now I will get rid of my makeup and go to bed, chill some more on my phone.
I haven't checked pinterest&co. for a while and want to get some inspo.


dear little candle

Dear little candle,

thank you for being part of my home

you bring me light

you bring me warmth

"But fire is dangerous!"

fire is a tool

fire is an asset

"I won't knock it over!"

Is it a dangerous game to play with your warmth?

I want to like you

but I don't trust you

Yet I keep you in my hands

Dear little candle,

why are you doing this?

Is it just a strategy?

Are you a marionette?

They call you a phoenix

I call you fire

Don't let them knock you over

Do you promise me?

Only a fool with a big heart can love a candle

I love this fool for being a fool

maybe because I like a candle too

So fools are alike

"That fool will ruin us!"

If you don't let him knock it over

but who gave us this candle?

Who gave us your warmth?

Is it naive to like a candle

is it naive to love a fool

Is it a crime to see good

does it have to be ploy all the time?

Dear little candle,

please bring us the warmth the fool loves

so I can love the fool

and not set us on fire.



demolished hands T.T


The past few evenings I was emotionally exhausted idk what happened.
I came back from work and did not want to do anyyything.
Doesn't necessarily mean that I was sad, quite the opposite, I had happy days.
I just had no energy for hobbies I guess.

boring fit haha...I just did not have any time for experiments.
There was a mentor at the house for the last two days and I did not want to come late then.

I really like the color with curls!!

I went to dm in my lunchbreak and got a few things I needed.
I was looking for the tights I got lately because now I think I know which ones I like but they did not have it in a proper color here.

This is the color I got now..
I got 3 boxes now but I think I might need more because of my exte.
I am sure I will need two for my own head and idk about my exte tho..
I just felt weird taking...like 5 boxes or so, so I only got 3 for now.
I might prepare the exte with the color before the actual hairdying day but more to that later.

my contact solution starts to run empty so I stocked up.

To get rid of the peachy pigments I now got some vitamin c.
That's even better than the capsules that they usually offer.
I remember I could get the worst kind of dyes out of my head with this so for the next couple times I will try getting the color out because of the spots.
(the spots are not visible on annnyy pics...but they r really bad)
Luckily the peach color does wash out quite quickly.

I saw this lipgloss and the glitter pigments were INSANE and it was sealed!!
So i took it with me now but I have not tried it before the next evening

Also I remember saying I need to stop spending money but they were talking about piercings in the discord server and I have been thinking about getting new ones since a while now.
and of course whileee I am at it, I was looking through some online shops and found a place that offered the same kind but in sale.

I currently have a 14k gold in silver in my nose that is like a super tiny one and a titanium belly button piercing with a heart.
I used to have a sterling piercing and my body hated the material so much!
I wanted to try gold for a piercing but it is quite expensive so I went for gold for the nose because it is cheaper and titanium for the bellybutton.
The gold stud is really nice but I am getting sick of having a small one like that and want to go for something more...exciting.
Titanium for the belly button is ookeyyy but the gold convinced me more.

I wanted to get gold piercings this time but with silver stones so I can wear any jewelry.

In general I want to get more "qualitative" jewelry..like I have for example earring...holes but I don't wear earrings. Again my body hates materials like sterling or fashion jewelry out of cheap materials when it is going through my body. Necklaces or bracelets are ok though.
As a kid I used to have some gold earrings that I wore all the time and I want to go back to that.
To pick some cute studs or something that I will keep in.
I also like to get some more piercings...like 2-3 more on my lobes and maybe a tragus?
But again...super expensive...need to save money haha.

I went with a more reddish than peachy lip tone and I think it suited the look very well!

While looking through one of my closets I found these boots that I had bought like 3-4 years ago and never wore!! So I wanted to create an outfit with them.
To warm up the outfit I added the cream cardigan but the day was SO WARM I had to take it off.
We had almost 15 degrees!

Before taking off my makeup I desperately wanted to try the lipgloss and when I tell you the glitter pigments are insane!!!!!
But it is way less purple than in the bottle, you actually get barely any color...just glitter lol.
Even after taking it off it is quite hard to get rid off the glitter.

So I tried putting a purple/pinkish shade on my lips first before adding the gloss and after that it looked soooooo pretty!
I forgot which shade I used for it tho...sorry.
It was definitely from Etude one of the fixing tints, I think it was rose blending..
I opened some to pick the right shade for the glitter so I can't remember now.

Today was exhausting!!
I woke up and ate breakfast first and then the people came to pick up my kitchen that my dad took out of my apartment a few days ago.
So now I could take off the tiles!


Taking the tiles off was so much fun actually haha.

There used to be a door inbetween my kitchen wall!!
It was almost impossible getting them off at that part because it had barely a wall behind, it was more like paper.
So my dad advised me to break them with a hammer to get them off but not care too much about breaking the "wall" behind, he would have to cut it out and close it again anyway.
That was so liberating just smashing the tiles for this bit hahaha.

I should have worn gloves though..at the end of the day my hands had tons of like blisters and cuts.
I think some dirt got into one of the wounds because my left hand got really red like this now:

My mum got some stuff in her medical cabinet that we will put on for overnight and then we will see how it develops.

After taking off the tiles my dad advised me to break off some more of the plaster (?) or whatever it is called that the tiles are attached with to the wall.
He said it is better to have a little more off the wall and then fill it to make it even, than trying to even it out and having a bunch of bumps then.

This shit just didn't want to get off...it took me like 3 hours when I gave up.
I got most of it off I think but I told my dad I can't get off more..
I think he has to try himself again a bit.


The hole inbetween is just too funny to me idk why.
I definitely had to get a shower after that.
I even had all the dust in my hair!

Now I feel so clean again  haa..

I also received two packages today <3

This was a set up of two dresses that can be combined with each other.
My body is just so tired that I did not want to get back and try it on..
Maybe tomorrow.

I also finally received my gels that I ordered a month ago and tadaa..
I have noooo idea why I ordered these.
Was I tired while ordering or smth?
It even says "NONSTICK gel"..but I needed the solid that sticks T.T
I have still an unopen jar in my drawer and *just* opened one so it will be enough I think but I need to order asap now or I run out.

Oh and before I forget to say it.
I actually planned dying my hair the blonde color I got next week but now reconsidered.
Technically it will be the 2nd week then after bleaching my roots, two more and then it gets time to rebleach the roots...and it makes no sense to put a hairdye on it then when I have to bleach the roots?
So I decided to just leave them now...get rid of as much peach as possible to have a clean base and then in aprox. 4 weeks or smth bleach only the roots and put on the color.

I am going to read my blogs now, I couldn't do that for a while now and then maybe order at LMC again.
My shampoo and my face gel run out and the time is not enough to get it from YesStyle and LMC is from Germany so it will arrive in a couple days.
Then...I guess I will just chill and relax.