"A lot of gaijins would start with "gyaru is a fashion subculture from japan,..." but when you look towards japan the replies vary from "gyaru is freedom" to "gyaru is something I want to do all my life".
and I think this is mostly because the approach to being gyaru is driven by a different motivation.
In japan when you bleach your hair and get a tan you pretty much already stand out, whereas in western country you will look like a lot of the people here."
What most gaijins drive to the style is the fashion!
And although there are casual variants it is true that to gyaru style there are distinct factors that makes them stand out from the other.
"But this fashion has more or less already died out."
"They did not try to "look gyaru", they just were gyaru and wore whatever they wanted.
Very often the gals wore other styles (i.e. lolita) beside gyaru and nobody cared."
"The gyaru makeup that was popular around 2010s was also very similiar to the general "kawaii" makeup style you could find within every other culture like i.e. decora.
The first couple issues of Larme looks a lot like the late days of himekaji gyaru."
"It certainly looks good and I like to wear it from time to time but I guess we should become more open-minded towards a modern approach.
I also like to encourage gaijins to step out of the "substyle" thinking pattern and dare to wear something non-gyaru within their own style."
I think that I was correct on this one.
We should wear non-gyaru as well if we want to.
We don't have to hang on to gyaru as if it is a dead horse but a refreshing change from time to time.
Now the last point that will explain my choice for this title:
Rey said "If you have to say you are something, then you are not" and I was thinking about this quote a lot. Most of the time the gals back then never said they were gyaru.
And we talked a lot on discord about how we all are multi-faceted people with other interests.
I also questioned a lot wether I can count myself as gal or not.
I think the term just fits to me but I also don't want to care anymore.
I have other interests, I get most of my style inspo from xiaohongshu instead of gyaru or even japan in general. I feel constricted currently when choosing outfits because I felt like now that I want to wear gyaru again I have to change my style but almost have no clothes for it..or don't want to be resticted like this and wear my other stuff too.
Maybe I am not gyaru after all...but whatever.
I reject the term now.
I don't only want to feel free within gyaru but feel free as a person in a whole.
This blog used to be a private blog all the time and especially now I don't post gal content only but I will expand it from now on.
This is my space and I want to show the other facets of me as well when it comes to style.
I am rinmero, I am a gaijin gyaru and I have a passion for fashion.
How are you? haha.
I also feel like changing my blog design again..whoop.
But that's what I love to do...switching it up every now and then <3
That's for now, I ordered something online this morning.
I just wanted to check about you for inspo and I saw the capes I put in my favourites from Ossha (that I could never afford anyway) were on sale, 80% off!!!
It was an expensive purchase now but I had to take them now..they have sooo many pretty color and style variations it was hard to choose.
I don't have any budget for more shopping now and if, only small things but I will calm down for now...the month has just started...
There is sun shining outside again <3
Maybe I will change my closet after all and take my summer stuff out...I can still throw a warm cardigan on top to get around the cold days now.
I think it's these feelings alone that make me decide how I go through life. Like I know that gal is what I am and I finally feel whole. I don't hate how I look anymore and I'm happy when I'm able to accomplish a solid look. But I also stopped caring about what others think, try to pick on or whatever. I'm also not popular on anything and most of the time I'm not trying to be super OTT. I'm just me. Blogging and living my life like a lot of the old gals. (as you can see how I've been blogging in recent months lol)
返信削除I think what makes gal stands out from other fashion style inspo is just something that happens naturally. You are inspired by something and put your own twist on it. And being that way allows new things to be born. But there are so many people that just want to prosper financially or with popularity so the heart isn't there. The "community" isn't there. Now we are obsessed with likes and money. Not what we used to have before.
I personally think we can be our own people. Drop all the labels. The 90s and 2000s spent a lot of time rejecting boxes plastered with labels and now people want ALL the labels. It's perfectly healthy to think about what's important to us. It is your space. Your life. Just be you. That's my end goal. It just happens to be about gal for as long as I can lol All I can say is I'm glad you're back on blogging regardless of labels <3
I don't remember the "no label" time. When I was a teen (or right before) there were heavy discussions about "posers" and you would try your best not to count as one, maybe that's why gaijins during that time were the most committed. It was this vibe in the air haha.
削除Now it is all popularity like you say, or being "correct" to not offend anyone I guess.
I think the reason why I have been feeling so weird about this topic is because like I said in my post, I get most of my inspo from xiaohongshu. I used to wear this style for a long time now and that's what my heart is beating for. I like gal as well and both are overlapping as well but that's where I get this...feeling of not being gyaru but a xiaohongshu girly. It is just SO DAMN difficult to explain in words. Maybe I should make a post SHOWING what I mean and it will be more easy.
Thank you for being loyal to me despite being an off/on-queen on the web lmao. I also enjoy blogging again and even if in the end I won't wear gyaru that much, I am happy to have my space here where ppl like you like to read my daily yapping haha.