Today I just did not want to get outta bed haha.
Since everything was more or less not time pressure I was laying in bed a little bit longer than planned.
I wanted to wear a rokku look today and at first I didn't feel like styling my hair because it was raining but then decided to go for it as some kind of stress test and practice.
I think I am getting a lil bit better at it but yea practice makes master.
I went for a straight suji cuz I think it makes it look more "wild" which matches the rokku vibe.
a lil close up haha
dress...sexpot revenge
coat...sexpot revenge
to warm up a bit I layered skincolored tights underneath the net tights, wore some cotton shorts underneath and thermal socks.
Although I regret the decision with the socks later on..I could have picked some that end lower, idk.
Because the drive took us 1.5 hours we wanted to look for bubble tea first but walked past Hans im Glück and because I did not eat breakfast we decided to just eat lunch first before walking through the town.
We both chose the lunch menu (dish+drink+coffee)
To drink I chose the currant-blueberry limo
Her choice was beefburger with avocado and fries.
My choice was chickenburger with goat cheese, lingonberry with a salad.
It was sooo delicious.
Do you know when there is "skin" on the chicken when it roasted on the pan that is golden and sometimes tough to chew? This made it a bit difficult to eat and my burger fell apart in the middle of it, made me look like I am too stupid to eat haha.
My friend was full pretty fast and I got even hungrier after the tasty burger so I finished her fries.
After that we started walking through the town, mostly without orientation...I think we lost a lot of time for this.
I had google maps permanently open but yet we managed to just walk in circles haha.
She had to get a pillow for herself which we found very much in the start.
The salesman immediately approached me when he saw me going into the shop and when I told him my friend was looking for a specific pillow he started consulting her.
She never had a consultation like this and thought it was very useful, because she immediately got the info she needed, also considering she knew exactly what she wanted and didn't have to search for it.
(McDo ruining the pic as always lol)
We took a lot of silly pictures.
I wanted to take a picture of her and she ended up looking like some really cringe wanna-be rapper or some kind which got our insider joke for the day and I kept making cringe gangster pictures of her haha.
She pointed to these on the floor which are all throughout germany which I almost overlooked.
They show where jewish people used to live (during second world war or before etc.)
Some fleed, but on many it was written they got killed in Ausschwitz.
I asked her if she could take a picture of my coat in the back.
I wanted to show the chains of it, since you can't see it on code-pics.
Inbetween we found a tiny alt-shop, which exists in pretty much any big city but not where we live.
I found cute shorts but for like 40€ and that was just too much for me tbh.
My friend was thrilled to see the big collection of band shirts and started shopping shirts for her mum.
fun fact: she told me the night before she does not want to go shopping.
"you know how much I hate it"...and who was the first to go shopping?....
I am the boring person that likes to photograph statues and fountains.
Idk, I just like them haha.
We wanted to go to museums for the day and decided for the Augustinermuseum.
Which turned out to be free for us (until 27y.o.).
It was so weird tbh when the front desk lady said it was free for "teenager" because I didn't count to that category for quite some time now.
I often feel more "old" than I actually am.
At some point you just have your normal day to day with your job and your responsibilities and when you got no school or nothing anymore you kind of loose that "youth" feeling, idk how to describe.
I just don't count myself in anymore.
Very often 25y.o.+ is considered adult too, so yea...was funny.
I am not into "christian art" from the middle age but it was impressive nonetheless, especially the kind of statues that were carved in wood.
I told my friend her heart matches with the red heart on my finger.
Just look at the tiny details.
there was a little window where you could look outside.
painted on glass
here is an example of the wood carving.
each damn loop my dear.
After we were done with that we went to the attic floor were they displayed women art from the 19th century.
this one immediately caught my eye..
can't quite pinpoint why.
I think it just looks very beautiful.
(please magnify to read)
(please magnify to read)
(please magnify to read)
I normally just skim the tiny text next to the art, because most of the time I can't remember the details anyway but like to read a bit about it in case there is important info which helps me notice more details about the art pieces.
These big texts however were very helpful to sort and arrange the pictures correctly into history.
After we were done with this we went to the basement floor to the exhibition of Hans Thoma.
the colors caught my eye..
There was the same picture in big but with a blueish tone but this one was much better in my opinion.
Like I said, I even saw this one before the big one.
I photographed some that caught my eye but some were also forbidden to photograph.
I loved the melancholic romantic vibe of this one.
A picture of Hans Thoma and his mother.
Despite living in poor conditions (her husband died), she took care of her kids and supported her son in his artistic career.
I am a family person so I enjoyed seeing them together.
There was a painting of her with the title "my 88 year old mother".
(or was it 82?)
Tbh, despite the feeling that we were "fast", I was surprised when were done that we were inside 2 hours!
I actually wanted to go to another museum as well for more modern art.
They said in the reviews it is quite small so I figured it would fit into the schedule but we were actually very late now and couldn't make it.
I think it is also my fault because I took too long in the morning haha.
I think next time I really need to make sure to wake up earlier, especially when we have a long ride.
After the museum we wanted to get boba.
Can you believe it?
There were like 4-5 boba on google maps.
We found only one!!
And this one was INSIDE A NAIL I told her F* no I am not gonna take a boba where nail dust is roaming through the air.
While searching we went to some more shops.
I went into Thalia.
Even though we have one in my hometown.
Sometimes in other cities they just have other books laying around.
I....overdid it again haha.
There was even a security guy who wanted to help us finding a boba shop.
I think we looked very lost lmaooo.
He pointed us where to go but there still was no boba???
We found a tea shop and we hope he did not mean this one haha.
At some point we said f* it and decided to go into the mall and look for something else.
I went into Bijou Brigitte and got some jewelry.
There was sooo many pretty things again but I really have to take care of money.
I need to save more for my trip to singapore, I don't wanna have to spend 3 weeks without having a cent to spent on stuff.
I went into Rewe and Aldi to get some things for a recipe I wanna try tomorrow.
We then sat down at an ice-cream shop.
She wasn't hungry yet but wanted something to drink.
I wasn't that hungry as well but I knew we won't be back home before 9pm and I don't want to eat that late anymore.
Plus I needed to charge my phone a bit or else it wouldn't last the ride home and if I got no navigation back home we are literally stranded.
(her phone has no internet)
She got herself iced coffee and I got waffles with icecream and bananas with a cappucchino.
Before we went back to the parking house we strolled a bit back and forth again between the shops, desperate to find some black heeled boots I am looking for but NOBODY GOT THE EXACT TYPE OF BOOT I WANT.
I think AliExpress has to take care of it again.
Even though they are sooo damn basic.
But when it comes to shoes and bags I am very specific.
There can be just a small thing "off" and I don't want it.
I don't like ordering boots online because I have wide calves and I got a couple in the past that didn't fit me.
We luckily found back to the parking house pretty quickly.
What did we find on the way?
A boba shop.
I was like "you gotta be f*ing kidding me".
Since we were already pretty lost in town, this didn't change in the parking house.
I forgot the number of my parking spot.
I only knew the level. The parking house isn't big and it was right next to door, right?
It took some time for us to find it.
I was home at like 9.30pm or smth?
I went downstairs to my parents to give my mum a pirate eye patch I bought for her, which she can use for her pirate costume she wants to wear for work.
(She works at a nursery home and likes to surprise the elderly sometimes).
We talked a bit and organized the schedule for the next day.
Those are the necklaces I got for myself now.
I think the blueish or reddish seastars look cute and wanted to get a colorful one but when I saw this with the black cord I figured it would match way more of my clothings and picked this one.
Plus I took these two cross chains now which were on my "shopping list" from my ageha inspo.
I swear I buy more books than I read and I need to stop haha.
I just can't stop I guess.
I get books like wine.
I store them till they are ready to savoourr..
I took this other book from Eliza Clark that I did not know of.
I enjoyed her "boy parts", so I want to give this one a try.
The others are pretty much in my "want to get"-list.
I thought the "love letters to a serial killer" sounded interesting so I also took it.
The yellowface cover must be some kind of limited edition because it is golden.
They also had the original one but I liked the golden one more.
I actually wanted to have a phone call with Tamiko we planned the past few days but just doesn't work out but I was not having any energy left for a call, so we gotta postpone it again.
I just wanted to blog and then chill a bit more.
It took me now more than two hours to write this haha but I rather write it now when the memories are fresh than having to remember what we did and losing a lot of it due to it.
When reading through my old blog posts I saw some things that I had completely forgotten about, so I want to use this blog as some sort of open diary as well that holds my memories.
I often loose a lot of pictures because I don't upload them somewhere and when I tidy out my phone I forget about them, which makes them disappear completely.
All the pictures of my mallorca vacation for example are lost.
I was heartbroken to find out I did not blog about it (I think it was even before starting my blog?).
So yea, gonna change that.
I think now after taking off my makeup, I am going to read my book that I haven't finished yet to calm down a bit since it is midnight right now.
Looks like a fun trip 💕
返信削除Wow I was heavily invested in this post like it was an action movie for a bit XD But these are amazing photos! I would love to visit one day if I can get a passport to travel (my dream).