

purple turned peach


I could not leave my hair rested lmao.
I read online where ppl had the same problem and looked through the product again.
On the amazon page it said to put it on dry hair but on the official wella website they clearly show to put the mask on wet hair!!!!
I think that's why it went so wrong now...ugh

Online a girl wrote she fixed it by getting a bleach bath at the hairsalon.
And my fingertips tingled lmaooo.

I could NOT leave it haha.

side to side comparison.
Could you believe, the 4th bleach round in total on my lengths and IT IS STILL NOT LIGHT ENOUGH??
The exte are brutally lighter.
I wanted to put them in but I think I will wait just a couple days more.
my whole hair has a peach tint now.
The purple patches are slightly pink.
It just doesn't really show well on pictures but in reallife u can rly tell the pinkish hue over the whole hair.

Now I was thinking what to do what to do...
Should I put a blonde dye in it?
Should I retry it?
If I put pearlblonde in it again I am nervous how it will react to the pink spots and the overall reddish hue...I could not decide at all.
I slept over it in the night and tbh I think this pinkish hue is actually fun.

So I ordered the Wella mask again but this time in the peach color!

I wanted to try the peach color sometime anyway, so why not go full now when I already have my hair in this direction??

I ordered 3 tubes now, so I will have enough for my hair and my exte.
I will put it on wet hair now though.
It will be delivered tomorrow and I have tuesday off to get everything done.

Wish me luck.

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