The muffins were soooo damn delicious!!
We had spontaneous visit yesterday so they were quickly gone.
Since I still had enough chocolate left I decided to bake again haha.
Instead of using a whole for each muffin, I put only half of each in a muffin so it would be enough.
yesterday the dough was a little bit too "moist"?
and while talking with my mum we figured out that it might have been because I used too much yogurt.
The recipe said to use approx. 100g yogurt and my mum left me some from her 1kg box that I can use.
I eyeballed it and thought it is around 100g but now when talking it must have been waaay more than that.
Well, this time I figured since it is just for moisture and not for flavour to use just one soup spoon full of yogurt and not measure too much for the might have been 20-50g now I think.
To prevent the problem I had with the yogurt "bits" that I couldn't mix properly, I chose to add the yogurt in the bowl with the egg first to stir it together and it ended up very creamy.
It worked!
Again, I could not taste it yet because I am waiting for my mum to return from work and eat lunch together but just from the look they seem they turned out a lot better! <3
Although I decided to finish my other books first before starting a new one, I was just too curious about the chinese one I got now and started to read last night.
The illustrations inbetween are so pretty.
I read for hours until my eyes started falling asleep haha.
The story is very interesting and I enjoy it a lot.
It was quite difficult for me to start reading in german again but I could adjust pretty quickly.
I think the mix of german literature + chinese names and suffixes etc. made it hard to follow in the beginning.
Maybe I should stop beeing so focused on staying away from german literature, idk I just enjoy reading in english a lot more.
Another idea I had was getting some more "simple" books in french or spanish to refresh my language skills and improve them.
I first didn't want to do it yet because I started chinese approx. a year ago but I don't think it will interfere too much in the end.
It might be a problem when I want to add japanese or korean, since the languages are more similiar.
I remember I had that problem when I had spanish in school and I kept mixing french words into it or the other way around and a lot of the other students did too.
I could decide between latin or french around 6th grade (12-13 years old) and later between another science subject or spanish in 8th grade (14-15 years old)...later when I had to choose my subjects for the upper level I had to choose between spanish or french or else I had too many hours or couldn't combine the subjects in a way I wanted it and chose french because I had it for longer.
I was really bad in both, I was only writing good grades in english but I blame the internet for that haha.
People kept advising me to focus more on the languages and make it my occupation but I have no idea how tbh...when looking online it seems like nobody need translators etc.
They are only looking for teachers and you need a permission for this.
Well, I chose to ignore chasing a career and focus on the things I am interested in and passionately like to do and I think whatever shines through will shine through.
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