Ah I love when it is good weather.
I wake up early, I feel good and productive..
I woke up at 7 today but chose to lay a little bit longer in bed until I stood up and ate breakfast around 8am.
After that I immediately went to making my muffins!
I first wanted to bake cookies, then when looking for recipes I saw cookies with jam on it..and then I felt like baking something with filling and ended up with wanting to make muffins.
In the shop is a box of chocolate that I absolutely looove which has a variety of different flavours and I wanted to use them as filling.
Since I have a bunch of cinnamon, and vanilla extrakt etc. leftover from the cinnamon toast rolls I did last time I wanted to do something with it again.
Plus, I just love cinnamon.
However I did not find a recipe that was close enough to my idea that I felt comfortable altering it the way I needed it :/
On thursday it then hit me with the bright idea...and I am not gonna apologize I am really addicted to it: I used ChatGPT for it haha.
I let it write a recipe for me <3
Those are the chocolates with truffles!
here at the back you can see the different flavours.
from coffee to nougat, vanilla and black currant..
I think they can be combined well with a cinnamon taste.
Here is the bowl with the flour, baking powder, pinch of salt, cinnamon and brown sugar.
I mixed the egg in the bowl a bit before adding milk, melted butter, vanilla extract from last time and yogurt.
the yogurt is optional, I heard it the first time to put it in for moisture and I wanted to try it out.
I then poured it into the other bowl bit by bit while gently stirring.
I tried pushing the spoon against the walls of the bowl while stirring to be able to spread the yogurt bits a bit better...hmm
I then started preheating the oven to 180°C and decided to cut the chocolates into 1/4ths..I thought they might melt better this way for a filling and ChatGPT suggested as well.
I used a soup spoon full of the dough first to cover the bottom before adding the chocolates.
I also made three seperate ones without because my sister-in-law is allergic to it.
I used the white here to make it visible which ones are without
I tried my best to make it as neat as possible xD
I used each a spoon more on the ones without filling and depending on which ones needed more cover.
I put them in for 20 minutes and they seemed done when putting a toothpick in but I decided to turn it off and leave it in for a couple minutes more before taking them out and letting it cool for approx. 10 minutes in the cool air.
I then placed them on this tray to let them cool off a bit longer.
I wasn't able to try them yet since we are waiting for the family to come home and eat lunch but when I was licking off the spoon it was sooo good!!
I am sooo excited <3
250g flour
2 tea spoon of baking powder
1 tea spoon of cinnamon
a pinch of salt
100g brown sugar
1 egg
180ml milk
80g melted butter
1 tea spoon of vanilla extract
100g yogurt or cream (optional)
a box of chocolate of your choice.
I love these productive days lol.
I cleaned the kitchen and went upstairs to my apartment, where I also took the trash out, did some laundry and cleaned the floor etc.
now there is a bit of time left before I have to start preparing lunch..I might use it to calm down a bit and read something or continue crocheting my top..
yaa I might continue crochet.
I also looked into my mailbox and found the nail charms I ordered like two months ago for my valentine set lmao.
They look super cute although I was surprised they were only 3 pieces, because most sets have 5 or 10. I looked at the listing and it even states 3 pieces.
I swear, do I sleep currently while ordering?
they are gorgeous with the chains regardless.
Omg that looks so good! Hope they turned out as you hoped!