Like I mentioned yesterday, we went to Europapark today.
I got invited spontaneously because someone got sick.
It was Netto-day, where employees get free tickets for themselves and their families to go visit.
It's about an hour drive from us.
The day started perfectly with me being stupid again:
I had to get out the door at 7am to be at my cousins house at 7.30am approx.
How....How, did I came up with the idea to set my alarm for 6.30am?
I literally woke up, did my makeup and when it was time to take on clothes, I looked on my phone and I was shocked and confused "WHY IS IT 7.30 ALREADY?"..
I already got a message from my cousin asking where I was.
I had to hurry tf up.
I apologized so much and we agreed to meet up in the city to save time.*rs
coat...river island
I wore suuper warm shorts underneath to make sure it is warm enough.
I wasn't sure if I chose a too cold outfit but it was verry warm throughout the day (at least for me, everyone else said it was cold lol.)
I thought maybe my lashes will fly away on the rollercoasters but then I remembered that last time I also already wore lashes and on top I wore a WHOLE DAMN WIG.
So I would be fine haha.
I wanted to make these cute braids in my hair again but nope, no time.
In town we quickly went to bakery where I got myself a cappucchino and a bread for breakfast that I ate during the ride.
I went with both my cousins in the car and we talked a lot <3
Here are some pictures of the park!
The park is so huge it's impossible to do everything in only one day.
Also considering for most rollercoasters you stand in line for 40+ minutes..
when you ride 2-3 rollercoasters that are 3 hours gone already.
Since we went to the park very often in our lives as kids and teenager we focused on riding the rollercoasters only and the older people wanted to do calm things every now and then.
We decided to go to the CanCan coasters first.
I did some photography while we had to wait in line haha
I miss the old Eurosat that used to be Space-themed..
It is practically the same ride but idk, I think this vintage theme doesn't fit to it idk.
The whole ride is in the dark so I did not know if it made sense to look for videos but this channel was still able to catch some of the ride despite being in the dark.
I personally think it is a good ride to start because it is more calm haha.
Selfie-time because I was not able to take one yet
After that the "younger" people wanted to go ride Silverstar but I have never ride on it and probably won't for the next few years but I am considering it more and more.
Give me screws and loopings, no problem.
But height? I am out!!
Silverstar is so damn high...we looked it up, 73m.
So I went with the aunties to go watch a movie haha.
We accidentally went into the wrong building.
We wanted to go to the Voletarium but went to the normal 4D cinema instead.
but the movie was still good regardless haha.
We watched a short cartoon about the europapark mascots who need to watch after a dangerous artifact at night that can make objects alive.
A rave steals it and tries to ruin the park with it.
It was a short movie of course but still entertaining.
The dinosaur spit on us btw.
Not cool xD
We still had some time left so decided to go straight to the voletarium.
It is like a 3D -movie again but you are flying physically in the air.
We then were able to meet up with the others and took some coffee.
I was confused, do we go now, do we sit?
So I took one to go but then we still sat down.
4€ for this little coffee!! That's insane.
Luckily, we also got free food-tickets so I ate in the park for free.
When we were all together we wanted to go to the new ride Voltron but then suddenly went to Wodan?
In general the whole day was very confusing and we discussed too much where to go in the end than actually doing something.
We were just a big group I think.
It would have been better to split up in 2-3 ppl a group.
The queue was so long again.
I remember the last time I went here I got a bad pain in my chest right before we actually could ride and I had to get out (luckily no medical emergency).
So I did not ride it before.
But it was a good ride for sure.
It was very high as well but kinda managable for me.
But yea, I tried to calm myself down a lot.
I had the method of "don't think, just sit".
As soon as you sit in it it's too late anyways xD
It worked.
We then were going to Voltron.
The new ride!
This is the hall, right before getting in it.
Every now and then this melody appeared.
I saw from outside that it had quite some loopings, again I tried to calm myself down.
When getting in we had to put all our bags in the locked boxes.
They told me to take off my scarf as well because of safety reasons.
I was like, damn, what kinda ride is this.
I did not look up the ride before but it is HEAVY.
And right after the first round when I started laughing my ass off, whoop...a second round!!!
That was sooo cool!
I have a new favourite ride tbh haha.
I love the shaking and jumping at the start...
I also like how it immediately starts with a loop and screws.
Like I said, I am just afraid of heights and that made the ride super fun for me.
I was giggling and laughing throughout haha...
not screaming like the ppl the in the video lmao.
I eventually stopped making many pics anymore but we went to eat something afterwards at the greek restaurant.
I mean damn, we were waiting in line for food just as long like waiting for a ride.
Afterwards some did not want to do heavy stuff because of the food in the stomach.
It was already past 4pm at this point...only 3 hours left before closing time.
Me and my cousin just wanted to ride something but everyone kept discussing too much T.T
So we decided to split with them ASAP.
There were Matterhorn and Euromir with only 10 minute lines so we went there first.
Although it is a high ride, I have rode it a couple times in the past and that pretty much calm me down.
Little snapshot of me just giggling my life away haha.
We then immediately went for another ride of Voltron! xD
We met up with the others and I suggested to go with the Schweizer Bobbahn.
It also had only 5 minute queue and was pretty much right next to it.
It is also a calm ride, so the others can go as well.
We decided to all go together on Matterhorn as well...only 1 minute waiting time.
1 minute was good...we pretty much just had to walk through xD
But that was also because the park was already right before closing time.
I personally think for these kind of rides it is ok to walk through but honestly I would never wait in line 30-40 minutes for these.
They are personally not worth the time for me.
Maybe because I am already used to that park but also because they are just very calm rides.
They are good if you want to do something but just has eaten and don't want to throw up haha.
The park was so pretty at night with all the lights!
Hair was wrecked lmao.
It was a nice day <3
Honestly I would love to go there again but maybe when you have *money* and can actually do more than just wait in lines or do rollercoasters...and maybe for a couple days?
For example they also have arcades etc.
For those who are not familiar with what Europapark is:
It pretty much is a big theme park in south-west germany next to Rust with it's theme around inside they have the "countries" and each has their attractions.
They have a hotel right next to it but it is just very expensive.
But maybe thats also because we view the park differently, because it's just an hour away for us.
Regardless, one ticket is at 70€ right now I think?
Imagine you have a family.
Yaa, I need to make money and make a real trip there and not just waiting in lines :/
I love Europapark just a lot haha.
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