

excited for my new kitchen x3

I could not sleep at night AT ALL.
My mind was racing like crazy.
Turned out there was a misunderstanding about my idea from last night BUT it is still developing really good currently.
It is the first time I am trading with credit derivates but it seems to work.
It definitely seem to get higher margins than usual stocks.
I have put in a stop-loss to get my profits and go to watch what happens next.

Right when I am writing this, the stop-loss just got carried out and the course is FALLING, damn.
I am going to watch it for the rest of the day to see if I should have kept it or it was a good idea to set a stop-loss. Hm.

When I woke up my kitchen got delivered, yay!!
We stored it for now in my garage because my dad has to cover up the hole.
he told me it is possible to cover it up this evening and start putting up my kitchen tomorrow! <3
I am not sure if it can all be done tomorrow but I am excited regardless.

However I was breaking down because of insomnia so I decided to go back to bed for like an hour.
After lunch I worked on my kitchen, took off some of the tapestry for example because we have to retouch it now and I sorted through some of expired cans and jars.
Aaand of course housework, i.e. laundry.

two packages arrived <3

One of the two sneakers I ordered, so I have proper shoes for the summer.
For some reason the white ones still haven't shipped??
These are soo good!
They run just half a centimeter small I think, so I am wearing them right now with thick socks to stretch them a bit.
The platform is way more subtle than I imagined but it looks pretty good.
The laces are a bit short tho!

Aaand right on time a carpet for my kitchen haha.
I want to put it right in the corner where my sink will be.

That's for now..byee x3

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